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ASA AC65-12A
Airframe & Powerplant Handbook: Powerplant
This FAA reprint provides the textual material needed to study this mechanic rating. It is the document from which the FAA tests are drawn.
List Price: $24.95
Our Price: $19.46


Detailed Description

This Powerplant volume was developed as the third in a series of three handbooks for persons preparing for mechanic certification — those seeking an Aviation Maintenance Technician (AMT) Certificate, also called an A&P license. An effective text for both students and instructors, this handbook will also serve as an invaluable reference guide for already-certificated technicians who wish to improve their knowledge.

This FAA Advisory Circular (AC) 65-12A contains information on theory and construction of aircraft engines, induction and exhaust systems, fuel and fuel metering systems, ignition and electrical systems, starting systems, lubrication and cooling systems, propellers, engine removal and replacement, engine fire protection, and engine maintenance and operation.

The text includes black and white charts, tables, illustrations and photographs throughout, and an index. Soft cover, 8-3/8" x 10-7/8", 520 pages.


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