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QRef GA-495-1
Garmin GPSMAP 495 Qref Book
Get the most out of your avionics with a Qref checklist. Clear, illustrated overviews and procedures help you master your system quickly.
Our Price: $24.95

Detailed Description

Get the most out of your avionics with a Garmin GPSMAP 495 Qref Book Qref checklist. Clear, illustrated overviews and procedures help you master your system quickly.

Qref Quick Reference checklists feature expert tips and helpful procedures in a handy, indestructible format. Our avionics experts provide detailed, how-to steps for nearly every feature, and the intelligent "You Are Here" section design guides you through each screen and menu.

Garmin GPSMAP 495 Qref Book includes a full Table of Contents as well as an index of commonly used steps.

Find out why AOPA calls our avionics checklists "exactly what a quick reference checklist should be... helpful and intuitive, a must-have."
Manufacturer: Garmin

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