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Prepware.com Pilot Training Practice Test
Practice taking your test before going to the computer testing center, with ASA's dedicated website for test-practice. Gain confidence, get your instructor sign-off and save money on test re-takes.
List Price: $14.95
Our Price: $14.50

Detailed Description

The experts in FAA Knowledge Exam preparation bring you a website dedicated to practice tests. Practice gives you the confidence you need before heading to the testing center, and saves you money on test retakes. With Prepware.com you can take 5 online pilot training practice tests. You then have the option to use these tests to acquire your test sign-off from ASA staff, or print your results to show your flight or ground instructor for their endorsement. Aviation Maintenance Technician applicants can use the Certificate of Completion to obtain an endorsement from their local FSDO.

Pilot Training Practice exams are available for: General, Airframe, Powerplant, Sport, Private, Instrument, Commercial, Flight Instructor, Ground Instructor, Fundamentals of Instructing, Flight Engineer, and Airline Transport Pilot (all aircraft category and test types are available).

Prepware.com features include:
  • Realistic test simulation: the actual FAA questions, number of questions, and time allowed for your certificate or rating.
  • Performance graphs let you hone your studies: Review explanations and answers for the entire test and see your grade for each subject.
  • Get your sign-off: Email your results to ASA to receive your sign-off and graduation certificate, or print results for your flight/ground instructor to endorse. Either way you have everything you need to schedule your exam with the testing center.
  • Gain the confidence you need, and save yourself the hassle and expense of retaking exams at the testing center.
  • You can take 5 practice tests. Submit 2 of the 5 practice tests with scores 80% or better to receive your sign-off (AMT applicants taking the General, Airframe, or Powerplant tests will receive a frameable certificate of completion).

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