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Gleim Gleim Audio
Gleim Pilot Audio Review - Private Pilot
Gleim Audio
Each private pilot audio training lecture contains a thorough overview of the Private knowledge exam material. Via download.
List Price: $60.00
Our Price: $55.00

Detailed Description

Gleim's customers have requested audio lectures to accompany software and books. Gleim Publications has responded by providing FAA Audio Review via Download. It's format is a 12 Lecture series on the Private Pilot Knowledge Test. Each chapter/lecture features 30-40 minutes of audio and requires an additional 60 minutes of studying and answering the questions in the corresponding Gleim FAA Test Prep book or software.

Audios work better for many people because:

  • Can be used productively while driving your car, exercising etc. Audio lectures do not require much, if any, extra time to use.

  • Audio lectures allow you to concentrate on the lectures so you can visualize the concepts.

  • Excellent supplemental learning tool. Most people can carefully listen to Gleim's audio lecture and then confidently and correctly answer virtually all of the FAA questions in that chapter.

    The audio lectures are as follows:

    Lecture 1: Introduction and explanation of FAA test procedures
    Lecture 1: Airplanes and Aerodynamics
    Lecture 2: Airplane Instruments, Engines, and Systems
    Lecture 3: Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace
    Lecture 4: Airports, Air Traffic Control, and Airspace
    Lecture 5: Federal Aviation Regulations
    Lecture 6: Airplane Performance and Weight and Balance
    Lecture 7: Aeromedical Factors and ADM
    Lecture 8: Aviation Weather
    Lecture 9: Aviation Weather Services
    Lecture 10: Navigation: Charts, Publications, Flight Computers
    Lecture 11: Navigation Systems
    Lecture 12: Cross-Country Flight Planning
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