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Trifold VFR Kneeboard in Nylon case
The Trifold VFR Kneeboard in Nylon case is a strong aluminum tooled clipboard silkscreened with VFR information fits into black 3-panel jacket. Room for charts, books, flight computers, etc.
Our Price: $44.97

Detailed Description

For the pilot who needs to carry more, this folding trifold VFR kneeboard provides maximum storage space, encourages cockpit organization, and serves as the pilot's desk during flight.

The left panel of the aviation kneeboard has ample room for small books, papers and items that don't fit elsewhere. The center panel holds the kneeboard under clear plastic with a pen/pencil holder and buttonholes on either side allowing a pilot to fold back one or both panels with the legband. The right-hand panel of the kneeboard contains a clear pocket for easy map viewing, and the elastic legband's Velcro closures fit any leg size comfortably.

Black nylon with embroidered silver wings logo.

The ASA Trifold VFR Kneeboard measaures 6-1/2" wide x 9-1/2" high.

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